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2017 Australian IBS LRBR

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 7:06 pm
by dg
attached are the progressive results for hopefully all 1000yd BR matches completed in Australia so far this year.

As can be seen (as is normal and expected) some clubs and competitors have completed more matches than others at this time of the year.

If I have omitted or made a blunder (a regular occurrence), please pm/phone/email any corrections or additions.

for those who wish to check out the equipment details that the "guns" at the Virginia 1000yd BR club are using,

go to

if Australian IBS 600YD BR becomes more established and accepted across Australian NRAA ranges, what is the feeling in regards to possibly organising and running an Australian Interclub IBS 600yd BR Postal Match ?

Should this eventuate, given the extensive participation and popularity of IBS 600yd BR within and across many American clubs, there is probably a fair chance that the IBS would approve and sanction an Australian/USA International IBS 600yd BR Postal Match similar to the 1000yd BR matches which have run since 2009. :wink: :wink:

dave g
2017 Progressive Postal Results.xls
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